ENGLISH_All Chakras Energy Healing Workshop
qui., 30 de mai.
|Virtual All Chakras Workshop
This is an Energy Healing group session to heal all your 7 chakras. You will receive the Reiki energy for 7 days. This workshop will help you improve all aspects of your life. Book and get a chance to win a message from your Higher Self. I will intuitively choose 2 winers.

Horário e local
30 de mai. de 2024, 20:30 – 22:30 GMT-7
Virtual All Chakras Workshop
Sobre o evento
Secure your spot for this Energy Healing Group Session to heal all your 7 chakras. Â You will continue to receive the Reiki energy for 7 days. I will give you instructions on how to stay connected to the reiki energy.
Main Chakras on the body:
•Root: Physical wellbeing, connection to Earth. Red, Cube, LAM
•Sacral Plexus: Creativity, Emotions, Sexuality. Orange, Pyramid, VAM
•Solar Plexus: Personal Power, Self Esteem, Sense of value. Yellow, Globe, RAM
•Heart: Unconditional Love, Compassion and Forgiveness. Green/ Pink, Crescent Moon, YAM
•Throat: Express your truth, know when to speak and when to listen. Blue, Upside Down Pyramid, HAM
•Third Eye: Connection to your higher self thru intuition and psychic abilities. Indigo, Star, OM
•Crown: Connection to the Divine, self awareness. Purple/ Gold/ White, Half Moon, AUM
Reiki will help you to release the blockages (Traumas and Low Vibrational Feelings, Emotions, Thoughts and Beliefs) from this life, past life or carried on for generations through your DNA.
Some issues Reiki can help you with are:
- Stress (About 98% of the diseases are cause by stress)
- Anxiety
- FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real)
- Phobias
- Depression
- Panic Attacks
- Traumas
- Wounded Inner Child
- Improve Relationships
- Attract Soulmate/ Twin Flame
- Attract Abundance (any type, including financial)
- Speed Surgery Recovery
- Any Physical Disease - The cause of all diseases is always in the mind, but when it is already manifested on the physical body, it may require physical intervention from the medical system.
Youtube Videos:
Human Body and Chakras : https://youtube.com/live/ZI3pjuXT2wc
Human Light Bodies: Â https://youtube.com/live/fvMvHMzrrn0
Map of Consciousness - Part 1: https://youtube.com/live/MCXaMeleHII
Map of Consciousness - Part 2: https://youtube.com/live/8vjzxmguQik
What is Reiki? https://youtu.be/u92XO5HwCVI
Love and Light to you!
+1(562)450-4009 (text or Telegram)
2 horasENGLISH_All Chakras Energy Healing Workshop
2 horasENGLISH_All Chakras Energy Healing Workshop