About Reiki

Reiki is an Intuitive Energy Healing that dates to Lemuria time. It consists in connecting Universal Love and Life Energy (prana, chi, ki) and directing it to all layers of the body to heal the cause of the problem, which lies on the spiritual, mental, or emotional layers of the body. The physical body is a mere reflection of the upper layer.
Dr. Mikao Usui rediscovered the modern practice of Reiki in the 19th century. Chujiro Hayashi further developed and expanded the practice of Reiki. Hawayo Takata brought Reiki to the western world.
The Holy Spirit/ Higher Self is the one in charge of healing, and it will direct the energy to release blockages that you are able to release at that moment.
The Reiki Practitioner is an anathema to channel the universal love and life energy and then direct it to the client’s body.
Your job is to give permission to your higher self to work with the energy on your behalf, and to allow the energy to flow freely through all layers of your body by letting go of emotions, feelings, thoughts, and beliefs that no longer serve it.

How Reiki Can Help You?
Reiki can help you solve any issue you are facing in your life. Everything that happens to you reflects what is going on in your conscious and subconscious mind.
Reiki will help you to release the blockages (Traumas and Low Vibrational Feelings, Emotions, Thoughts and Beliefs) from this life, past life or carried on for generations through your DNA.
Some issues Reiki can help you with are:
Stress (About 98% of the diseases are caused by stress)
FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real)
Panic Attacks
Wounded Inner Child
Improve Relationships
Ascension Symptoms Management
Attract Soulmate/ Twin Flame
Attract Abundance (any type, including financial)
Speed Surgery Recovery
Any Physical Disease - The cause of all diseases is always in the mind, but when it is already manifested on the physical body, it may require physical intervention from the medical system.
I direct the Universal Love and Life energy to ease any disease you are experiencing, and you will feel improvements or even a complete healing. However, the Reiki Therapy should be held in parallel with the Conventional Treatment.